I bet if I was a fly on the wall I would see you wanting to connect deeper to your spiritual journey but your so stressed and busy that its hard to make it happen. You may even feel at times disconnected from yourself, anxious and really needing to feel supported but life is holding your back.
I know it's hard to put yourself first unless its a no brainer!
This is your no brainer.
Let me tell you spending only 5-10 minutes a day is going to help you feel connected, supported and feeling less stress in your day. Plus having less stress means your hormones can chill out instead of plummeting you in to anxiety, shame and guilt it likes to do once a month!
Maybe you can resonate with some of the following:
You keep making up excuses that when you're less busy or will start some kind of spiritual routine?
You have a call from your soul to learn more about your spiritual gifts, and yourself but find it hard to know how?
You have not been motivated to start your spiritual journey because you don’t think you have the hours a day it takes to start.
You have tried to learn spiritual tools from books or the internet but find yourself asking; Is it working? Am I doing it right? What should I be focusing on?

Imagine feeling so attuned with yourself that you can de-stress in minutes, understand clear messages from your Guides AND feel better through the month because your hormones are balancing themselves out!

I’M Regina, an Intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach, Energy Healer, and Mom.
I have been practicing Energy Healing for 17 years. I have my BA in psychology and I am a certified life and health coach. I am also a certified Reiki Master, Rapid Transformation Therapist and studied in various other healing modalities.
A few years ago I was exhausted, stressed, and felt disconnected. I was unable to really be present or patient with my kids the way I really wanted. I felt like I was running through my day instead of enjoying it. The pain was too much so I started using energetic self care and turned my life around!
I found it opened my intuition and I could connect to my Spirit Guides and Angels to receive clear guidance and support in my life! I also found it helped me to dramatically decrease my PMS symptoms. I experienced such an amazing shift I wanted to help other women learn how to take care of themselves because intuition, hormones and your vibration are ALL connected!

For 8 weeks, I will guide you to increase your energy level , build your intuition, and become besties with your Spirit team.
This program is structured to be the best way for you to finally have the spiritual connection you crave in the little time you have. Are you ready to learn how to speak to your Angels and Guides easily?
This is not like any other program of intuitive development! As an intuitive and healer I work directly with you and your spirit self to formulate the best approach for you to get powerful results. Who knows you better than your own spirit? This means we remove the exact fears and beliefs holding back your intuition.
Let’s take a look at what’s included at each step of the process:

LIVE 1:1 video call with me 1-1:15hr
Replay of Sessions
10 Minute Audios
Telegram text chat with me
You will learn Energetic Self-Care in the program but there are many more Energy practices to make your life easier, while benefiting yourself and family. These are tools I use everyday in my life!

Book your call now and get..
My Energy Clearing Audio to help you remove stress, overcome any struggle in your life and rewire your body for the life you want!
This works for behaviors you want to change, negative beliefs, anxiety, trauma and more!

This is the only program designed for your intuition, hormones and busy life style.
Don't be kicking yourself 6 months from now because you didn't sign up!
This program is designed to make the few minutes you have daily actually be able to give back to you 10x over. You will see that you're not just building a deeper relationship with your Guides, self and spiritual gifts but you're also going to reap the benefits of feeling revitalized, more grounded, in control of daily life, more present with yourself and family. You will also find that you stop people pleasing, navigate your relationships with more ease and finally feel like you can fully be you! You are also going to find that in the midst of PMS you will be able to feel connected and supported without letting your old hormones tell you different. This is unlike any other program.


You will use your intuitive gifts in your daily life to bring you more support, clarity and connection.

Turn up your energy level and learn how to quickly de-stress

Receive clear helpful advice and guidance from your Spirit Guides.

Connect deeper to your spiritual self while still having a busy lifestyle. Plus use quick processes to make your life easier! Moving from surviving to thriving!

Do I need to have any experience with being intuitive or spiritual knowledge?
No you don’t have to have any experience and still be able to easily talk to your guides and strengthen your intuition.
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes, after booking a call with me to see if we are a right fit we can discuss your financial needs and set up a payment plan that fits your lifestyle.
I already have a spiritual routine. Do I need to do the daily 10 min practice?
The daily 10 minute practice is more about building your relationship with how you perceive and feel energy. Intuition is about reading energy. This routine is not religious and has room to incorporate your own beliefs and what you prioritize in your routine.
How does this work with my hormones?
Your vibration is your thought and feelings. When you feel good, joyful or grateful you have a high vibration. When this happens you release Oxytocin "the love Hormone" which affects, directs and regulates your other hormones you deal with during the month and especially during PMS. This program works on getting you to raise your vibration so you feel good, balance hormones but also it helps you increase your intuition.
When you have a higher vibration the gap energetically between you and your guides becomes smaller. You also start operating in your higher Chakras which control your intuitive gifts. When you are at a lower vibration you are not as open to messages and signs. You also end up being in a state of fight or flight and live in your bottom Chakras. These 1-3 Chakras are about survival and not thriving. In this program you are going to sooth your hormones, nervous system and vibration so you can get the most out of life!
Is this religious?
No, we will be working with whatever your association with the universe is. Maybe to you it's God or source but no matter what it is this will work with your beliefs. We work with Angels and Spirit Guides but you do not need to be religious to do so. You just have to believe they exist and have the desire to work with them.
Is there a replay of our sessions?
Yes when you sign up you will have a portal where all your recorded sessions get sent to.
How do I contact you if I have a question or need help between our sessions together?
You can contact me through your portal, telegram or by email. The best way to reach me is by the Telegram app through normal business hours 9am-5pm M-F.
How long are the weekly calls together?
Our weekly calls are 1-1:15 hr long.
Is this a one time fix for my hormones?
This is not the all time fix for hormones additional support maybe needed such as supplements, diet or rest. This is a piece of your health journey.